
Grievance Readresal Cell

Grievance Readresal Committee:

Aim: To provide opportunities for redressal of certain grievances of students already enrolled in institution as well as those seeking admission institution.
Objectives: 1. To establish and run a systematic process and procedure to receive grievances from students.
2. To provide opportunity to student to register their complaints regarding any aspects of the college services.
3. To process each complaint/ grievance of the student leading to positive outcome of it aiming at satisfaction of the concern student.
4. Document the process and each aspect of student’s grievances and make use of same to develop certain systems for avoiding the problems in
future. 5. To suggest and recommend the outcome to higher concerned authorities for the changes or improvement.

Role and responsibilities:
- To monitor and respond to students and stakeholders’ grievances.
- To provide the students access to hassle free mechanism to have their Grievances redressed.
- To ensure fair, impartial and effective solutions of the grievances.
- To co-ordinate between students and Institute to reduce the grievances.
- To develop a responsive and accountable attitude towards the stakeholders so that harmonious atmosphere always prevail in the Institute.
Grievances include the following complaints of the aggrieved students, namely: -
i) Making admission contrary to merit determined in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institute;
ii) Irregularity in the admission process adopted by the institute;
iii) Refusing admission in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institute;
iv) Non publication of prospectus, as specified;
v) Publishing any information in the prospectus, which is false or misleading, and not based on facts;
vi) Withhold or refuse to return any document in the form of certificates of degree, diploma or any other award or other document deposited with it by a person for the purpose of seeking admission in such institution, with a view to induce or compel such person to pay any fee or fees in respect of any course or program of study which such person does not intend to pursue;
vii) demand of money in excess of that specified in the declared admission policy or approved by the competent authority to the be charged by such institution;
viii) Breach of policy for reservation in admission as may applicable;
ix) Complaints, of alleged discrimination of students, from the Schedule Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Women, Minority or Disabled categories;
x) Non-payment or delay in payment of scholarships to any student that such institution is committed, under the conditions imposed by University Grants Commission, or by any other authority;
xi) Delay in conduct of examination or declaration of results beyond that specified in the academic calendar;
xii) On provision of student amenities as may have been promised or required to be provided by the institution;
xiii) Denial of quality education as promised at the time of admission or required to be provide;
xiv) Non transparent or unfair evaluation practices;
Grievance Redressal Cell aims to function as an intermediary between the students and Institution. Students can submit their grievances to the chairman/ coordinator of the committee either directly, or by using the complaint boxes placed at different places in the campus. The cell meets as and when needed and takes suitable measures to address the grievances at the earliest.

Committee Member:

Sr.No Teacher Name Position
1 Dr.Ugale A.B. Chairman
2 Dr.Tambe S.T. Member
3 Dr.Rahangdale S.S Member
4 Prof.Smt.Giri M.S. Member
5 Prof.Joshi N.P. Member
6 Prof.Aher D.H. Member